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Beginners Guide to Cloudsim Project Structure

The Cloudsim Simulation Toolkit is an API that is written using the Java programming language and its classes are structured in a very specific way.

This article will serve as a guide to the Cloudsim project structure and will help you understand how the Cloudsim architecture is divided into different packages and their important classes that facilitate the cloud simulation using Cloudsim.

Let us first explore and understand the structure of this simulation project.

I assume that you have already set up the cloudsim using Ecplise if not you may follow my previous article on “Cloudsim Setup using Eclipse“.

Let proceed further and your eclipse project explorer should contain 6 folders and 7 files.

CloudSim Project Structure

The readme.txt file contains the necessary information about this project, like how to install and run the cloudsim, what is the basic directory structure, if you are not using any IDE then how to build the project source code.

Readme.txt file

Now, let us look at the directory structure in detail and understand the various namespaces available in the “Source” folder

Cloudsim Source folder namespace/package view

There exist 12 namespaces; each namespace has a set of classes with specific correlated functions as discussed below:

Now let’s look at the “examples” folder. It contains 7 namespaces, and each namespace contains a particular type of scenario implementations.

Examples.txt gives you an overview of various basic example scenarios that are available in this folder. The file contains the instructions for the compile and execution of example classes.

Workload.planetlab: It contains a real dataset containing a set of CPU utilization traces from PlanetLab VMs collected during the 10 random days in March & April of 2011. The PlanetLab dataset is used as a benchmark dataset for the validation of various research scenarios.

Now let’s move to the other folders:

You may also follow the detailed step by step demo to “Cloudsim Tutorial: Introduction to Package Intro (Part 2)

Learn More

Also, To quickly get started with the Cloudsim Simulation Toolkit, Feel free to join our learners community for an online self-paced course named “Essential Cloudsim Tutorials” I would be interested in interacting with you. for further discussion.

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